博翔科技為專業機械設備歐規/台灣TS標章/美規及半導體設備SEMI S2輔導顧問公司





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可採用標準: 2006/42/EC, EN ISO 10218-1, EN ISO 10218-2, EN ISO 11161-1, EN ISO 12100, EN ISO 13849-1, EN 12622, EN 60204-1, EN ISO 13857, EN ISO 13855, EN ISO 13851,SEMI S2, SEMI S10, SEMI S8, SEMI S22, SEMI S14, SEMI S17, SEMI S28, SEMI S26等





  Punctuated by a string of "surprising events" and even alarming incidents in the crucial "sunset era" of Donald Tsang, the second Chief Executive of the Hong Kong SAR, how shall we rate Tsang's performance during this 7-year term?

  This weighty monograph offers an authoritative academic critique of the HKSAR Government’s performance in various policy areas and state–society interactive topical dimensions under the Tsang years from 2005 to 2012. By inviting contributions from a number of scholars specialising in different research disciplines, the volume in 18 chapters covers a lot of key issues and public policy areas that constitute a very rich combination of analytical narratives from multi-disciplinary perspectives.

  The massive coverage of this book, while exemplifying the criticality of Tsang's era when handling challenges of these aspects, will provide readers with a thorough assessment of the government during the Tsang years in a broader comparative context and on a contemporary historical scale. This scholarly title will best be appreciated by academic, research specialists in fields of government, policy studies and public administration; politicians, researchers or analysts from political parties, think tanks and pressure groups; social sciences students from both upper undergraduate and graduate courses, as well as high school students; and general readers who are interested in Hong Kong politics and policy making.



Joseph Y. S. CHENG

  He is the Chair Professor of Political Science, City University of Hong Kong.


1. Has He Got the Job Done?—An Evaluation of Donald Tsang Administration —Joseph Y. S. CHENG
2. Expanding and Destroying the Accountability System —Joseph W. P. WONG
3. The Hong Kong Legislative Council?—A Friend or an Enemy of Donald Tsang? —Jermain T. M. LAM
4. Structural Weakness of the Executive-led Model—Governance and Party Politics of Hong Kong —Chi-kit CHAN
5. Political Marketing Campaigns of Chief Executive Donald Tsang—The Challenges of Managing Legitimacy Deficitunder a Semi-democratic Regime —Brian C. H. FONG
6. Leadership—Job Done, Leadership Pledge Unaccomplished —Chris YEUNG
7. Governance and Public Policy under the Donald Tsang Administration—Critical Voices from the Christian Community in Hong Kong —Shun-hing CHAN
8. Can Hong Kong Design a New Growth Engine? A Study of the Absence of Economic Policiesof the Donald Tsang Regime —Yin-wah CHU, Alvin Y. SO
9. Review of the Health System —Grace CHENG
10. Urban Renewal —Adrienne LA GRANGE, Federik PRETORIUS
11. Housing Policy in the Tsang Administration —Ngai Ming YIP
12. Got the Controversial Urban Planning Jobs Done? An Institutional Perspective —Mee Kam NG
13. Actively Travelling to Sustainable Mobility —Michelle MA, Ronald LAU, Vincent CHAN
14. Labour and Employment in the Tsang Administration —Olivia K. M. IP, Sek-hong NG
15. Social Welfare—Widening Care Gap
16. Environmental Protection in Donald Tsang's Era—Waiting for the Daybreak? —Kin-chung HO
17. Navigating the Grey Area—Hong Kong's External Relations under the Tsang Administration —Simon SHEN
18. Epilogue —Joseph Y. S. CHENG



  • ISBN:9789629372033
  • 規格:平裝 / 536頁 / 16 x 23 cm / 普通級 / 單色印刷 / 初版
  • 出版地:香港
  • 本書分類:> >



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